
So today is August 18th and school starts in 12 days but I dessided to post a back to school post . So continue reading for new tips.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpESQtL7izfjYJv4d5vwMQXOXO ,Hana!
Selena 's full name is Selena Marie Gomez. She was named after a famous singer. She first got famous when she played a role in ,,Barney and Friends''. Her fame got bigger when she became a Disney star. She acted in lots of Disney movies:,,Princess protection program'', ,,Another Cinderrela Story'' and all of the ,,Wizards of Wawerly Place'' movies(she was also in the show ,,Wizards of Wawerly Place'' with the famous caracter Alex Ruso).She also was a part of ,,Monte Carlo'' and a lot more movies. Her music buissnes started with the duo on her chanel(SelenaGomezVEVO) with Drew Seely ,,New Classic'' from the movie ,,Another Cinderrela Story''. Now alll of us know about ,,Slow down'', ,,Come and Get it''... Recently Selena recorded a song ,,Good for you witch is soooooo good. Selena dated the Justin Beiber and they were having lots of brakeups . Selena didn't want more of that, so the officially broke up. Forever . But now she is happy while dating the famous DJ,DJ Zedd. Bravo for you Selena.